Developing Prophetic Ministry (Book)
Author: Rodney Francis
A practical handbook on the Prophetic Ministry. What a delight to read this book - not only once but twice - and with real anticipation each time. I have been involved with the Prophetic Movement since 1967. As a Prophetic Pastor/Teacher I can say truthfully that “I've seen it all and read it all” for a long time: the good, the bad, and the indifferent, so when Rodney put the manuscript in my hands, asked me to read it and consider writing a Foreword, I had mixed emotions. However, these feelings proved groundless. This work, simply titled, Developing Prophetic Ministry is a mini-masterpiece. Mini in the sense that It is short, concise; masterpiece, because I was fully aware of being instructed by the Holy Spirit from beginning to end. I want to read it again, and again. The chapters draw me to desire to excel in every manifestation of the prophetic in order to bring glory to my Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ. ~ Margaret Clark