John's Gospel Bible Lessons King James Version
Jesus loves you! Yes, He loves you more than anyone else can! Open up and receive His love into your heart in a greater measure today. You will never regret it.
LESSON No. 19 ~ Answer from the King James Bible if possible.
Questions 1 - 30 are taken from JOHN Chapter 21:
1. Where did Jesus show Himself again to the disciples? _____________________________________________
2. How many disciples were gathered together when Jesus showed Himself? (Sons of Zebedee = 2): __________
3. What was Thomas also called? ____________________________________________________ (Verse _____)
- From where did Nathanael come? _____________________________________________________________
5. What did Peter say to the disciples? ____________________________________________________________
6. How many fish did they catch that night? ________________________________________________________
7. Who was standing on the shore in the morning? __________________________________________________
8. Who did not know who was standing on the shore? ________________________________________________
9. What did Jesus ask His disciples? _____________________________________________________________
10. What did Jesus tell His disciples to do? _________________________________________________________
11. Why were the disciples unable to haul the net in? _________________________________________________
12. What did the disciple whom Jesus loved, say to Peter? ____________________________________________
13. What did Peter do? ________________________________________________________________________
14. What did the disciples see on the land? ________________________________________________________
15. What did they see laid thereon? ______________________________________________________________
16. Who drew the net to land? _______________________________________________________ (Verse _____)
17. How many fish were caught? ________________________________________________________________
18. What did Jesus invite His disciples to do? ______________________________________________________
19. Why did none ask Him, “Who art Thou?” _______________________________________________________
20. “This ____________ the ____________________that ____________________________________ to ______
___________________________after that ______ was ___________________from the_________________.”
21. What was the important question Jesus asked Simon Peter? ______________________________________
22. What was Peter’s main answer to the Lord’s question? ___________________________________________
23. Jesus told Peter to feed His ____________________ and His _____________________________________
24. Who was Simon Peter the son of? ___________________________________________________________
25. What did Peter do when he was young? ______________________________________________________
26. What would happen to Peter when he was old? _________________________________________________
27. Where would he be carried? ________________________________________________________________
28. What was Jesus speaking to Peter of? ______________________________________________________
29. And when He had spoken this, He saith unto him “______________________________________________!”
30. If all the things which Jesus did were written, what did John suppose? _______________________________
In what way has this Chapter, and Bible Course generally, spoken to your heart? _________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________
Questions 31 – 40 are taken from PSALM 138:
31. How are we to Praise God? ________________________________________________________________
32. Why do we Praise the Lord’s name? (1) _______________________________________________________
(2) ___________________________________________________ (Verse _____)
33. What has God magnified? __________________________________________________________________
34. What does God do in the day when we cry unto Him? ____________________________________________
35. What is great? ________________________________________ (Verse _____)
36. Who does the Lord have respect unto? _______________________________________________________
37. Who does the Lord know afar off? ___________________________________________________________
38. “Though _______________in the ___________ of ______________ thou _______________________ me.”
39. What will the Lord perfect? _________________________________________________________________
40. What endureth forever? _________________________________ (Verse _____)
Jesus Christ is transforming lives today. Wherever He finds a believer who is willing to yield to His will, listen to His Word, and follow His way, He begins to transform that believer and accomplish remarkable things in that life, and He also begins to do wonderful things through that life.
We are still here and God wants to use us. Are you available for God to use you? What a responsibility! What a privilege! God bless you!
The Gospel Faith Messenger Ministry, , New Zealand. Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.