'Book of Ephesians' Bible Lessons  New International Version


What an inheritance we have in Jesus Christ!   In this Lesson we see what we were –   how God's mercy changed us – where He has placed us – what He has done for us in Christ. There is now nothing between you and God!  An unbroken relationship is yours for all eternity because of Jesus. Enjoy your God-given inheritance as He works and builds in you an holy temple in the Lord, knowing that God lives in you through the Holy Spirit.

LESSON  No.2  ~ Answer from New International Version Bible if possible.

Questions are taken from EPHESIANS Chapter 2:

1. Who has Jesus made alive? _______________________________________________________________

 2. What were we? _________________________________________________________________________

 3. How did we use to live? (1) ________________________________________________________________

  (2) ________________________________________________________________________ (Verse _____ ).

 4. Where does the spirit of the ruler of the kingdom now work? ______________________________________


 5. Where did we live at one time? _____________________________________________________________

 6. What did we use to gratify and follow? (1) ____________________________________________________

____________________ (2) _________________________________________________________________

 7. By nature we were the ___________________________________________________________________

 8. How were our lives changed and made “alive”? (v. 4 & 5)  _______________________________________

 9. In what is God rich? _____________________________________________________________________

10. What kind of love does God have for us? ____________________________________________________

11. When did God love us? __________________________________________________________________

12. How are we saved? _____________________________________________________________________

13. In verses 5,6, 21 & 22, there are five things God has done for us with Christ. What are they? (1) _________

_____________________ (2) __________________________________ (3) ___________________________

__________ (4) _________________________________    (5) _______________________________________

14. What does God want to show in the coming age? ______________________________________________

________________________________________________(Verse _____ ).

15. “For it is by ____________ you  __________________through  _____________ – and this _____________

_________________________________it is ____________________________________ .”  (Verse _____ ).

16. Why is salvation not of works? ___________________________________________________________

17. What are we? (v.10) ___________________________________________________________________

18. In Who are we created? ________________________________________________________________

19. For what are we created? _______________________________________________________________

20. What has God “prepared in advance” for us to do? ___________________________________________

21. What are we to remember? _____________________________________________________________

22. At that time we were ___________________________________________________________________

23. From what were we excluded? ___________________________________________________________

24. We were foreigners to __________________________________________________________________

25. At that time what were we without? _______________________________________________________

26. Who were we without in the world? ________________________________________________________

27. But NOW we are brought near through ________________________________________ (Verse _____ ).

28. Who is our peace? ____________________________________________________________________

29. What has Christ destroyed? _____________________________________________________________


30. How did Jesus abolish the dividing wall of hostility? ___________________________________________

31. What else did Jesus abolish? ____________________________________________________________


32. What did Jesus create in Himself? ________________________________________________________

33. How did Christ Jesus reconcile both (the law and hostility) to God? _______________________________


34. What has Christ Jesus put to death?            ____________________________________________________

35. What has Christ Jesus preached to us? ____________________________________________________

36. What do we have through Christ Jesus? (v.18) ______________________________________________


37. “Consequently, you are  _________________________________________________ , but ___________

_____________ with _________________________  and             ______________________________________.”

38. What are we “built on”? _________________________________________________________________


39. Who is the chief cornerstone? ____________________________________ (Verse _____ ).

40. What is God’s building rising to become? ___________________________________________________

41. For what are we being built together? _________________________________________________


We trust you are discovering afresh who you now are as a believer in Jesus Christ, and all that He has done for you to make you a new creation in His purposes? It is a real privilege to know His forgiveness and new life that He came to give you! God Bless You!

The Gospel Faith Messenger Ministry, , New Zealand. Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


"The Gospel Faith Messenger" Ministry.  New Zealand.  Email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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