Barnabas Bulletins


 A Monthly Ministry Of Encouragement



Barnabas Bulletin ~ 0161




I find it amazing that some of the most important truths of New Covenant Christianity are largely ignored by the Christian Church today. The Prophetic Ministry is one of those truths. We are urged to take heed to those prophetic words that have been spoken over our lives, so we can keep “one step ahead of the enemy” in our day-to-day walk with Jesus Christ. In 1 Timothy 4:14-16 we are told to neglect not (“don’t be careless with”) the gift that is in us, which was given to us by prophecy . . . that we are to meditate (“to care for, take care for anything, so as to be able to perform it”) on those things prophesied into our lives. It then goes on to tell us we are to give ourselves entirely (“completely, totally”) to them, so that our progress (“profiting”) may be seen by all.

The true Prophetic Ministry is given to us by God and is a wonderful means of having the will and purposes of God confirmed to us through other Holy Spirit-filled people (both known and unknown to us). It is “Holy Spirit to our spirit” ministry that gives us a knowledge that we cannot learn naturally. To be able to give ourselves totally to a prophetic word we have to first test and prove that it is of God: “Do not quench the Spirit (“do not put out the Spirit’s fire”). Despise (“to think nothing of, make contemptible”) not prophecies. Test all things; hold fast (“firmly”) what is good” (1 Thessalonians 5:19-21). When we receive a prophetic word from someone we have the responsibility to make sure that what we are receiving is inspired by the Holy Spirit of God. It should be recorded or written down so that we do not have to rely upon our memory as to what has been prophesied (otherwise the full meaning can be lost). If we have any doubts at all, we should be able to submit that prophecy to other spiritual people who are known to believe in the Prophetic Ministry and believe in these things being still relevant for today. I say this because there is a lot of negativity in Christian circles as to the function and importance of Prophetic Ministry and the Nine Spiritual Gifts being allowed to operate. Most seem not to know the value of them and why God has given them to the Christian Church for today. Christians can never come to full maturity in Christ without the benefits of the Prophetic Ministry and the Nine Spiritual Gifts. They are given to build the Body of Christ with Holy Spirit unction and enabling! We lose out when we are fellowshipping amongst people who do not value their operation.

  • The Prophetic Ministry and the Nine Spiritual Gifts are God’s idea ~ not ours!
  • And He never gives us anything we do not need.
  • We desperately need the input of these wonderful ministries.

Once we know that a prophetic word is Holy Spirit inspired, the Bible exhorts us to give ourselves totally (“entirely”) to that word. Sadly, I never hear this passage of Scripture preached. In giving ourselves entirely we are demonstrating to God that we believe that He has spoken to us, and we believe that He gives us every word for our own benefit to be able to more fully fulfil His will in and through our lives. We are told that others will see that we are different because of the progress we make through being committed to the prophetic voice and word of the Holy Spirit.


When we know the will and purpose of God for our lives that is confirmed and directed by the Prophetic Ministry we are much more fruitful than simply trying to please God through natural abilities, etc. The GFM Ministry is built upon the prophetic words that have been given to it at different times over the past 50 years. We are amazed at what God has spoken to us to do in that time ~ things that we would never have thought about until the prophetic word was spoken out. Today I am living in the fulfilment of a number of prophetic words spoken into my life over the years. I am so glad I heard them, received them and believed it was God speaking through those people who stepped out and gave them to me. Every time we obey what God speaks to us we have found that He has taken us into a much more fruitful place of ministry with Him. God knows what is best for us ~ and He will reveal His plans and purposes to us if we will be open to Him speaking to us through prophetic means. It is not for us to dictate to God how He speaks to us (but we do get limited in His speaking to us if we are not mixing with those who believe in the New Covenant Christianity we have through the mighty Holy Spirit. I feel sorry for those Christians who do not have access to this kind of ministry).

We do not have time not to be seeking God’s best for us. I realize there are scores of Christians who have not had this kind of ministry available to them. I exhort you to be open to the Holy Spirit and to be “hungering and thirsting after righteousness” (Matthew 5:6) ~ for Jesus promised you you would be filled if you have that kind of hunger. I urge you to be open to the Holy Spirit Prophetic Ministry and to be available to God to do whatever He asks of you. God bless you abundantly! ~ Rodney W. Francis.

Bible Reading:  1 Timothy 1:18-20    1 Timothy 4:14-16     Acts 13:1-4

Prayer:  “Dear Lord God, I come to You in the name of Jesus Christ Your Son, and I ask You to help me to yield myself more to the leading of Your Holy Spirit. I ask You to help me to see the benefits of the Prophetic Ministry to more clearly know Your will for my life. May I have a much bigger believing heart so that I can earnestly desire and persevere more, and demonstrate my faith and belief in You much more positively. Thank You, Lord Jesus, for hearing my prayer. In Jesus’ name, Amen.”

The Gospel Faith Messenger Ministry,  , New Zealand. Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  



"The Gospel Faith Messenger" Ministry.  New Zealand.  Email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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