Barnabas Bulletins


 A Monthly Ministry Of Encouragement


 Barnabas Bulletin ~ 0122


AS we look further into the importance of carrying a personal vision, let us realize that the vision of God for us is greater than that which we are able to fulfil with our natural ability. We do not need a vision for that which we can accomplish ourselves! A vision from God s-t-r-e-t-c-h-e-s our faith, concepts and understanding to enable us to know more of what God can accomplish through us as we co-operate with Him and what He says. The vision of God always brings with it a vision of what we can do! To fulfil a vision in God we need God’s help! God is always seeking to make us BIGGER men and women, so that His glory can be revealed in and through us as a result of our vision becoming a practical, outworking reality for others to see. A vision of God carries creative new ideas and ways of doing things. It is fresh and does not exactly copy what God calls others to accomplish. It keeps us believing for better things and greater achievements in His name and service.

Vision keeps our faith alive. It brings an excitement in God that He has chosen us to do something that He has called no one else to do. A vision from God always glorifies Jesus Christ. It gives Him the glory ~ not us. Those who recognize it is a vision from God being fulfilled, will encourage and commend, but we must always give the glory to God! It is His doing, and it is marvellous in our sight. We are simply fulfilling what He has asked of us.

Vision keeps us forwards looking! It causes us to press ahead with divine possibilities; not looking back at lost opportunities and mistakes and failures of the past. There is no future in the past!

So, where are you at right now with regards carrying the vision of God for your life? What are you hearing from Him? What are you seeing in the Spirit realm? Has it captivated your heart to the point that you know it is from God and are now motivated to give yourself to that which He has shown you? Carrying a vision from God is like being pregnant ~ we have to bring it to birth so others can see what we have been incubating all along. Until that happens the vision is only between us and God; it involves no one else, and no one else can see what we’re talking about. Do not abort the vision because of our own unbelief of it! Accept it, carry it, nurture it, and bring it forth for others to see that what you have inside of you is a vision birthed from the heart of God Himself! And once it is birthed it is your responsibility to nurture and cultivate it so it can grow to fulfil the purpose for which it was given to you.

A vision of God obeyed will always produce good fruit. It is by the fruit that people judge us. We can talk all we like about what kind of vision we may have, but until we produce some evidence it is just that ~ talk!

The Holy Spirit within us is always looking for opportunities to witness and win the lost to Jesus. A vision brought forth in God will always “speak” to others of the Lord, for it is His doing. Vision is about extending the Kingdom of God in a way that the living reality of God is seen by others. That is why the Spirit Gifts in operation are so important. They are the voice of God being obeyed in a way that points people to the Lord and that He loves and cares for them. We need a renewed vision of those Spiritual Gifts today. Far too often they are neglected and the Christian Church suffers as a result. For me so many times the exercising of Spiritual Gifts has helped me to recognize more clearly the voice of God and, as a result, I receive vision for that which God has called me to do. It is very satisfying indeed to know you are fulfilling a vision and calling from God!  

Please do not feel that what I am writing about is only for those who have been trained for the ministry. It is not about having a certain amount of theological training, but about our availability to listen to God and to trust His voice to step out and do things we’ve never done before. That is what faith is all about. Simply trusting what we already know is not going to allow us to step out in faith and do creative, new things ~ things we have never done before! Vision is for every Holy Spirit-filled Christian believer to receive and to have the joy of stepping out and seeing God do things through that we could never do ourselves! And every one of us can have the joy of experiencing this! God Bless YOU! ~ Rodney W. Francis.

Bible  Readings:  

Acts 26:12-23; 1 Corinthians Chapter 2; Ephesians 1:15-23; Colossians 1:9-18.

Please Pray This Prayer:

“Dear God, I come to You in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, and I ask You to help me to be really serious about the teachings and vision of Jesus Christ for my life, so that I may fulfil that purpose for which He has laid a hold of me. Help me to eliminate all doubts and negative voices that would hinder me from fulfilling Your vision for my life. I ask You to stir me, and liberate me, to be the man/woman of God with power that You have called me to be. Help me to clearly listen to You, Lord Jesus, so that I may distinctly discern Your divine will and purposes. I really do want to be an effective and fruitful minister of Your Supernatural Gospel in my day and generation. I desire to fulfil Your vision for my life! In Jesus' name, I pray these things. Amen."

The Gospel Faith Messenger Ministry,  New Zealand. Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


"The Gospel Faith Messenger" Ministry.  New Zealand.  Email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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