Barnabas Bulletin ~0197
We are living in challenging days! As we stop to ponder the great needs that are evident all around us, we cannot help but feel the urgency to reach out more and more with the Good News of Jesus Christ; for Jesus Himself has said in His Word: “The night is coming when no one can work” (John 9:4). We are concerned that our lives should be given more and more to the vision and call of our Lord: “And this Gospel of the kingdom will be preached in all the world as a witness to all the nations, and then the end will come” (Matthew 24:14). To this cause every Christian should be dedicated to make the cause of Jesus Christ known throughout the whole world.
He is the only way of salvation.
It is our duty to present Jesus Christ as the Answer to all of man’s problems ~ for He came to make us every whit whole!
The same Christ we preach to sinners, we also present to Christians as their All-sufficiency to become ACTIVELY involved in helping to spread His Word to those still in darkness. We have found that many Christians still need to be challenged in the cause of Christ; encouraged to be loosed from a “stunted” vision, weak confessions and excuses, and to see their divine potential through the promises of God’s Word! Too many “one talent” Christians have buried their talent, when in this hour they can become powerful links (and partners) in ministries that are given to Christian Missions and the evangelization of the world (Matthew 25). It is very sad when Jesus has to declare the following (and He still does): “Then Jesus went about all the cities and villages, teaching in their synagogues, preaching the Gospel of the kingdom, and healing every sickness and every disease among the people. But when He saw the multitudes, He was moved with compassion for them, because there were weary (“harassed, exhausted, especially from failure”) and scattered, like sheep having no shepherd. Then He said to His disciples, ‘The harvest truly is plentiful, but the labourers (willing Christians) are few. Therefore pray the Lord of the harvest to send out labourers into His harvest’” (Matthew 9:36-38).
Why is there such a reluctance among Christians to offer themselves to Jesus for the gathering in of the harvest?
It only takes a full commitment to the will and purpose of God for our lives to bring about a positive change.
If we truly love Jesus, then love should be shown to Him by a willingness to do His will.
His desire is that all should come to repentance (2 Peter 3:9).
And that should be our desire as well!
If you have not already done so, let me encourage you to find the calling of God for your life ~ then release your faith in the promises of God’s Word, and see how God will work in and through you in thrilling ways to touch those who need Him. Life can only be lived to the full when we are found doing that which pleases God! You might ask: “How can I do that?” The answer is to make a total commitment of your life to Jesus Christ, then take some time to still your heart and spirit and wait silently before Him, then asking Him to reveal His will for your life to you. As the Scripture declares: “Be still and know that I am God” (Psalm 46:10). He does speak to those who will listen.
I am so glad that I made such a commitment when I was 18 years old. God’s call came on my life and I heard His voice clearly telling me of His call to serve Him. God’s call has consumed my life for 57 years and I have no regrets. Today we are touching multiplied thousands of lives in more than 230 nations. It has only happened as we have been prepared to follow Jesus and His instructions to us. And it is all by faith, together with a number of faithful volunteer workers. When we do what God asks of us, then we will be amazed at what He does for us, in us and through us in order that His purposes are fulfilled. (Oh, that many more 18-year-olds would offer themselves to God’s purposes ~ and fulfil a destiny that can come no other way)!
The big question we all have to ask ourselves is: “Am I doing my part to fulfil the Great Commission (Mark 16:15-20),and helping to gather in the harvest of souls, so together with us they can enjoy all eternity in the presence of a Loving, Holy God?”
We need to be reminded that it is only the truly born-again, Holy Spirit-filled Christians who know the answers to the world’s needs. The natural-minded person does not know or understand the things that be of the Spirit of God (1 Corinthians Chapter 2). Governments try to resolve the problems of mankind, but because they do not understand the spiritual make-up of a human being, they are unable to give the right remedies. The result is that sin, rebellion and lawlessness continues to rise in our midst.
Unless and until a person has a personal encounter with Jesus Christ they are unable to be set free from the cause of their problems ~ sin, rebellion and lawlessness against God.
Let us be very focussed on what we are saved for, and be actively involved in that purpose for which Jesus Christ saved us. Let us not be guilty of being a saved soul, but living a wasted life. One does not have to spend years in a theological college before God can use us (unless He leads us that way).
All we need is a genuine relationship with Jesus, being filled with His Holy Spirit, and allowing Him to lead and guide us into all truth (John 16).
- We cannot go wrong when we are listening to and obeying the voice of God the Holy Spirit
Be more challenged to fulfil the purpose and calling of God in your life in these needy times. Remember, we are part of the answer and not part of the problem. God bless you. ~ Rodney W. Francis.
Bible Reading: Romans 12 Matthew 7:7-8
Prayer:“Dear Lord, I come to You in Jesus’ name, and ask You to help me to still my heart and spirit before You so I can more clearly hear Your voice to me. I do desire to be a God-pleaser and so pray that You will speak to me in such a way that I know it is You ~ and that I will then be able to obey You fully. Thank You, Lord, for hearing my heartfelt cry. In Jesus’ Name I pray this, Amen.”
The Gospel Faith Messenger Ministry, New Zealand. Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.