Barnabas Bulletin ~ 0049


Breakthrough” is a good word. It has a positive, “going forwards” feel about it. It is an important word to me, as it is so similar to the vision God gave me a number of years ago about being a “Spearhead” ministry. To me, spearhead and breakthrough are about knowing who we are in God and being willing to take the lead, to go where others have not gone, or broken through into new territories, etc. It is about winning where others have not. It is about appropriating the victories of Jesus Christ (and all that He did for us), and demonstrating the power and reality of that victory by living our lives daily to the glory of Jesus and His finished work.

Having a real and vital relationship with Jesus starts with a breakthrough – a breakthrough from a life of sin to forgiveness by His grace that breaks the power of that sin! That relationship with Jesus transforms us in such a way that we are now able to accomplish things that we have never been able to before.

Breakthrough is experiencing:

  •   Life instead of death

  •  Righteousness instead of sin

  •  Grace instead of law and legislation

  •  Reality instead of religion

  •  Regeneration instead of degeneration

  •  Functioning in the Holy Spirit’s anointing instead of our own natural ability

  • Love instead of fear

  • Active faith instead of dead works

  • Joy instead of sadness

  • Victory instead of defeat

  • Knowing God’s provision instead of poverty

  • Being “the head and not the tail” (Deuteronomy 28:13)

  • Being fruitful instead of being fruitless

  • Knowing we belong in God’s family, of “being accepted in the beloved”(Ephesians 1:6), instead of living in rejection

  • A positive life-style instead of a negative one

  • And so we could go on . . .

The key about breakthrough in the Christian life is that we must first breakthrough ourselves! We show the way, how it is done, and lead by example. It is not a matter of propagating theories of the Christian life – it is demonstrating that it works, and that it works very effectively. There is no victory “without” until first we win the victory “within”! If we Christians are not convinced by the message we believe, then we are not very convincing, and our believing is not very strong. Breakthrough is not for those who will never attempt anything new, or different, or outside that which is easily attainable. The sad reality is that many of those who say they believe in Jesus are not enjoying breakthrough in their lives. They have not conquered themselves in such a way that they can rise out of their negativities, past circumstances, hurts, whatever it was that knocked them back. Breakthrough is all about rising above those negativities, criticisms, failures, and showing that we do not have to be bound by the past, but through Jesus Christ and His mighty Holy Spirit we have a glorious present and future to grasp a hold of! All we have to do is BREAKTHROUGH whatever it is that is keeping us back. YOU CAN DO IT! There is no future in the past. The past is gone. Today is here, and God wants us to live today in such a way that we will breakthrough into a future that is far better than anything we have ever accomplished before.Today is the day for breakthrough for you! Breakthrough ~ and the best is yet to come! –Rodney W. Francis.

Something To Think About  . . .

COURAGE:       To Stay The Course … Sometimes You Will Have To Make Waves.

ENDURANCE:    It’s Never Crowded On The Extra Mile.

COMMITMENT: Others May Stop You Temporarily  . . .

                         Only You Can Do It Permanently.

Bible  Readings:  Genesis 49:22; Romans 1:1-12; Ephesians 1 & 2.

Please Pray This Prayer:

“Dear Lord, You have done for me everything I need to be able to breakthrough, to be an over comer . . . to be that person who knows the joy of breaking through in the name of Jesus into realms I have never walked in before. Give me more courage to keep pressing in to You so that I might be able to breakthrough into all that You have purchased for me in Your death, burial and resurrection. Because You believe in me, I know I can rise and march forwards in to greater victories for the glory of Your Holy Name. Thank You, Lord Jesus, that through You, I can breakthrough like never before. In Jesus’ name I pray this, Amen.”

 The Gospel Faith Messenger Ministry,  New Zealand. Email:
