Declarations of The Blood of Jesus Christ
DECLARATIONS of The Blood of Jesus Christ
The Church was purchased with the Blood of Jesus ~ Acts 20:28
Jesus Christ is my propitiation (the appeasement of our sins) through the Blood of Jesus ~ Romans 3:25
I am justified by the Blood of Jesus Christ ~ Romans 5:9
I am saved from wrath by the Blood of Jesus Christ ~ Romans 5:9
I have communion with Jesus Christ by His Blood ~ 1Corinthians 10:16
I have the New Testament (written binding contract) in Jesus Christ’s Blood ~ 1 Corinthians 11:25
I have redemption (deliverance and salvation) by the Blood of Jesus Christ ~ Ephesians 1:7
I have forgiveness of all sin by the Blood of Jesus Christ ~ Ephesians 1:7
I have been brought near to God by the Blood of Jesus Christ ~ Ephesians 2:13
Jesus has made peace for me through the Blood of His Cross ~ Colossians 1:20
Jesus has reconciled (called back into union and restored those who were at variance with one another) by His Blood ~ Colossians 1:20
Jesus has cleansed my conscience of dead works through His precious Blood ~ Hebrews 9:14
Jesus has given me remission of all sin by His Blood ~ Hebrews 9:22
The Blood of Jesus gives me boldness to enter God’s presence ~ Hebrews 10:19
Through Jesus’ shed Blood I am now sanctified (set apart for God’s service) ~ Hebrews 10:29
Now that I am cleansed and covered by the Blood of Jesus the Destroyer (Satan) cannot touch me ~ Hebrews 11:28
Jesus Christ is now my Mediator of His New Covenant through His Blood ~ Hebrews 12:24
Through the Blood of Jesus I am now sanctified (made holy) ~ Hebrews 13:12
Through the Blood of the Everlasting Covenant of Jesus Christ I can now be made complete in every good work to do God’s will ~ Hebrews 13:20-21
Through the Blood of Jesus I now have grace and peace ~ 1 Peter 1:2
Jesus became our sacrificial Lamb through the shedding of His precious Blood ~ 1 Peter1:19
The Blood of Jesus Christ cleanses us from all sin ~ 1 John 1:7
The Holy Spirit bears witness to the Blood of Jesus ~ 1 John 5:6
It is the Love of Jesus toward us that washes us from our sin Revelation ~ 1:5-6
Jesus Christ is the only worthy One to fulfil the purposes of God ~ Revelation 5:9
We are overcomers by our confession of the power of the Blood of Jesus Christ ~ Revelation 12:11
We partake of Holy Communion in remembrance of the shedding of the Blood of Jesus Christ for us ~ Mark 14:22-25
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